New Patient Experience

Your first visit to us will be quite different to most of your previous dental examinations. We pride ourselves in looking at you as a person, not just a set of teeth. They are part of you after all. Modern research tells us the mouth can influence your overall health and vice versa. So it is our job to gather all the necessary information to help you understand exactly what state of health you are in.
The examination will generally look at:
  • Health 
  • Function 
  • Aesthetics (Cosmetics) 
We will do the following to gather that information:
  • Digital Photos of your teeth so we can look at them together 
  • Digital Xrays to help see any problems in the areas we can't see directly Cavity detection (Most dentists only focus on this) 
  • Gum health assessment
    There are now very strong evidence-based links between gum disease and and an increase in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and low weight of newborn babies. Our hygiene department can help by identifying problems and maintaining a great state of gum health for you. 
  • Oral Cancer Screening
    We use the Velscope system. I apologise for being a bit morbid here, but over 8,000 people a year die from oral cancer- who else is going to look out for it? 
  • TMJ Health
    Jaw joint problems can be a major cause of headaches, facial and neck pain as well as teeth grinding. 
  • Sleep Apnoea/Snoring assessment
    New research shows poor breathing at night (termed Sleep Disordered Breathing) can have significant detrimental effects on our health. One of the early signs can be bruxism (teeth grinding) which leads to tooth wear and breakage of teeth and fillings 
  • Cosmetic assessment
    Many new technologies can help us enhance our smile. Many are quite simple and non-invasive and can make a dramatic difference to our smile. 
We look forward to guiding you towards optimal health should you choose our practice. Feel free to contact us on (02) 6495 4244. For more details please see our website.